Rules and Prizes
- Matches are BEST OF 5 (First to 3 games)
- Games are played to 11 points, win by 2
- Swap serves every 2 points
- If score is 10-10, there is a deuce
- The player who served first also serves first in the deuce
- Players will now swap serves every point
- First person to establish a 2 point lead wins the game
- You can challenge anyone on the leaderboard to a match*
- *IF you are in the TOP 3, then you MUST challenge:
- someone currently in the top 6 OR
- someone with a rating no less than 200 points below you
- This is to prevent rating padding
- Prizes will be given every end of semester for the following:
- Top 3 on the leaderboard
- Greatest upset (Biggest underdog win)
- this will be calculated based on greatest rating difference
Beating Vikhyath (Vik) Bulusu the most times
- Vikhyath Bulusu must accept every challenge from a top 6 player (others are at his discretion)
- Most matches won (cannot be a top 3 player)
- Most matches played
- In order to be eligible for a prize, you must have played and recorded results for:
- 10 matches total
- 2 matches in every month